Episode Summary

On today’s episode of Safety of Work, we discuss how safety professionals “influence”. The challenge all safety professionals face is not only being listened to, but getting others to act on the given information.

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Episode Notes

We use the following resources to frame our discussion: In Their Profession’s Service and Influencing Organizational Decision-Makers.


  • The constant frustration of being a safety professional.
  • Rational persuasion and other forms of influence.
  • Publishing outside traditional safety journals.
  • Why it can be hard to define a safety professional’s role.
  • The optics of good connections.
  • Adaptive framing.
  • Why “by any means necessary” is not the key to success.
  • Playing the long game.


“If you survey CEO’s…they want safety practitioners to have these communication skills, ability to build relationships…”

“There is no pattern between these companies and their economic performance and their safety performance…”

“There’s some really good advice there…for safety professionals to think about the long game.”


In Their Profession’s Service

Influencing Organizational Decision-Makers

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion
