
Work Understanding

Moving from Work Prescription to Emergent Risk Management.

→ Work Insights
→ Safety of Work Survey
→ Organizational Resilience Score


Championing the role of the frontline worker in creating the safety of work

We provide unparalleled approaches for listening to the voice of your organization, describing safety climate in operational terms and evolving perceptions of how the safety of work is created. These Work Understanding services enable your organization to appreciate and enhance the capabilities, capacities and autonomy of your workers to respond confidently and competently to emerging operational risk and execute work productively and safely.

Case Studies


An international electricity meter installation business wanted to strengthen their risk controls and understand what may be driving work adaptations, optimizations or deviations to ensure that any new controls will be effective. Through a Forge Works partnership operational and work processes were reviewed using a combination of surveys, document reviews, interviews and observations of work in the field to identify and address unnecessary procedural prescription, normalization of inappropriate work practices, inefficient work management tools and excessive quality assurance penalties that were creating conflict between delivering work safely and profitably.


A multinational vertically- integrated mining, processing and chemical manufacturing business wanted to understand their organizational capacities to guide, enable and execute work towards safe outcomes. Through a Forge Works partnership, interviews were conducted at 16 operational locations, across six continents and using four languages, to diagnose the safety management approach, safety climate and opportunities for improvement.

Newcrest Mining

One of the world’s largest gold mining companies, with mines in four countries, wanted to increase the psychological safety of their workers and improve their learning from incidents. Through a Forge Works partnership, our consultants engaged with key stakeholders, prepared a position paper describing the related science, principles and approach for the application of a restorative justice model, and developed a detailed process for operationalizing restorative justice within their existing incident and consequence management processes.

Transport for NSW

A state transport and roads agency wanted to assess the safety climate and understand their organizational capacities to guide, enable and execute work towards safe outcome in each its subsidiary agencies. Through a Forge Works partnership, our consultants engaged with senior leaders and facilitated focus group workshops with a broad cross-section of the agencies to assess safety climate and management maturity, identify opportunities for improvement and codesign safety improvement strategies.

Serco AsPac

A global organization that supports governments around the world in the delivery of essential public services wanted to understand the organizational capacities to guide, enable and execute the safety of work across each of their unique contracts. Through a Forge Works partnership, our consultants conducted a series of
targeted senior leadership interviews and deployed the ‘Safety of Work Survey’ across the respective contracts to diagnose the safety management approach, safety climate and opportunities for improvement.

Essential Energy and WEL Networks

A number of independent electricity distributions companies wanted to understand their organizational capacities to guide, enable and execute work towards safe outcomes across their portfolio. Through a Forge Works partnership, our consultants engaged with members of their boards and executives and conducted interviews with a broad cross- section of the businesses to diagnose the safety management approach, safety climate and opportunities for improvement.


A diversified motoring and mutual member- owned organization, specializing in road- side assistance, banking and insurance services wanted to understand their organizational capacities to guide, enable and execute work towards safe outcomes across their portfolio. Through a Forge Works partnership, our consultants engaged with members of the board and executives and conducted interviews with a broad cross- section of the business to assess safety management maturity against the Forge Works Map and identify opportunities for improvement.


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