
Goal Conflict

Moving from Optimizing Production to Resolving Conflict.

→ Safety Goal Alignment

→ Safety Narrative Development

→ Performance Monitoring and Metrics


Resolving the productivity-safety conflict to radically enhance organizational reliability

We provide unique approaches to operational deep dives to identify and resolve productivity and safety goal conflicts and align the senior leadership narrative. These Goal Conflict services enable your organization to identify truly-leading indicators of performance and balance the achievement of safety goals with other business objectives.

Case Studies

Queensland Rail

A statutory rail authority providing rail services wanted to improve the approach, objectivity, repeatability and robustness to safety risk decision-making. Through a Forge Works partnership a formal process and accompanying tool for the evaluation and selection of reasonable risk reduction options was customized and integrated within existing change and risk management processes to provide a repeatable, objective and easy-to-use method that improves decision-making and demonstration that safety risk has been reduced so far as is reasonably practicable.


An international electricity meter installation business wanted to strengthen their risk controls and understand what may be driving work adaptations, optimizations or deviations to ensure that any new controls will be effective. Through a Forge Works partnership operational and work processes were reviewed using a combination of surveys, document reviews, interviews and observations of work in the field to identify and address unnecessary procedural prescription, normalization of inappropriate work practices, inefficient work management tools and excessive quality assurance penalties that were creating conflict between delivering work safely and profitably.


A top tier gas and electricity distribution company wanted to conduct an independent review of their approach to risk, asset and incident management in their natural gas distribution business. Through a Forge Works partnership asset management and investigation processes were reviewed against recognized and accepted good practice to provide an objective opinion on the company’s approach to minimizing public safety risk from its gas assets and highlight opportunities for improvement.


An established and innovative mining firm with both upstream mining and downstream processing assets wanted to understand how their leadership influences safety of work outcomes and to establish a leadership narrative that deconflicts safety and productivity objectives. Through a Forge Works partnership, awareness and alignment was created around the drivers that create safety and productivity, from which a ‘know-say-do’ framework was created to enable the development of communication narratives, training programs, engagement approaches and ‘learning loops’ to promote those factors that deliver both safety and productivity outcomes, balance those factors that deliver safety at the expense of productivity and undermine factors that deliver productivity at the expense of safety.


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